Friday, October 17, 2008

Millie then and Now

Millie then and Now, originally uploaded by Rigglord.

I think about why I started uploading photos to Flickr and wondering who would see them and how they would respond to them. As more and more people began to comment on them I have come to realize that the work is taking on a whole life on its own. People who I thought I would never see again are hearing about it by word of mouth. Through them I am finding out the fate of people from the block. The news makes me happy but in some cases the endings are tragic and leaves me with a lingering sadness.


FLX said...

Rick the blog looks great and your comment about this top flick is your angle (for a book) i reckon: a 'where are they now' type thing with more depth. Everyone has a story to tell and things were tough back then, so plenty of stories, happy and tragic, no doubt. I've written my book for the people who were there. If it turns me into an author and allows me to write another then cool, but first and foremost it's for my peeps. Sounds like you're already doing the same, just need someone who believes in it to get behind you.

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